One on One Supervision is the most sort after and popular form of Supervision. This method of supervision is as it suggests a coalition of a supervisor and a supervisee. One on one usually takes place in a face to face situation however it can also be conducted using the telephone, Skype and web services.
Group Supervision is a regular meeting of supervisees with a designated Supervisor. Group Supervision is a working alliance between professional or student counsellors and provides a venue for learning. Australian Counselling Association (ACA) defines Group Supervision as an organised and structured event that has a recognised leader who takes responsibility for the group. The facilitator must meet ACA Supervisor requirements. There should be a minimum of one ACA registered or recognised Supervisor for every 10 group participants
Peer Supervision is a process of supervision where members supervise each other. The process and structure are negotiated within the group and limited to well-qualified counsellors.
e-Supervision also know as Online, Skype and Telephone Supervision has many advantages for organisations and individuals and can be highly effective. This mode of professional supervision allows for easy sharing of documents and information. Also, helps addresses any distance restrictions and time restraints. Click here to arrange an e-Supervision session.
There are many benefits to having your Professional Supervision at the Clinic in Springwood. Mainly allowing space for you to focus solely on your supervision session and not on any competing priorities and demands within the workplace. However, at times there may be restrictions to travelling to our clinic; therefore, Transitional Support Supervisors offer Professional Supervision in various modes which may provide a viable alternative.
These include Skype and Telephone Supervision, and at times the Professional Supervisor may also travel to your workplace. Depending on your circumstances, location and needs you may find that a combination of those modalities suits you best. Through online and telephone modalities we aim to provide a service to people who are unable to attend our clinic for various reasons.
Please contact our reception team who are more than happy to provide you with any queries you may have or visit our online booking system to arrange an appointment time that is convenient for you.